What Are The Components of Leadership Development?

Being a leader means creating a legacy and empowering emerging leaders on your team to show up as the best version of themselves. As you co-create key distinctions with your team, experience an increase in collaboration, innovation, and accountability that will generate success and happiness for everyone involved. Cultivating an environment where teamwork and success thrive, starts with practicing and embodying key leadership distinctions. Here are some principal skills, abilities, and components of leadership development:

INTEGRITY: Fostering Accountability in the Workplace

Creating financial success in your field requires being able to trust your team and those around you as you delegate and complete tasks in excellence. Integrity is a valuable quality in leadership development because it creates credibility, reassurance, and accountability. Your clients are trusting you and your team for accurate and trustworthy deliverables; clients are counting on you to be your word. Fostering integrity in your team will yield greater, more efficient results, bringing you more business, success, and a greater sense of ease for you and the leaders on your team.

RISK: Seizing an Opportunity

Any new outcome requires a new action. Whether mentoring a team member or creating a new product, taking a risk can sometimes feel scary. Being able to identify the obstacles and rewards while taking action is a leadership skill that is worth mastering. The ability to act quickly and seize an opportunity can be the catalyst to your team’s growth and investment. When you’re emerging leaders are willing to take risks, they will gain new knowledge and experiences. They will also stand out as innovators and passionate examples for the other members of your team.

RESPONSIBILITY: Taking Ownership of Your Personal and Team Results

Responsibility is being accountable for both team wins and obstacles. As you empower the other leaders around you, what do you notice is working and what do you notice is missing? As an entrepreneur or business owner, you are responsible for both the small and big picture. Being able to identify an obstacle before it occurs, can save you and your team countless hours of stress and headaches. As you empower the members of your team you take ownership of their results, you can create an effective strategy to cause the greatest possible outcome.

URGENCY: CREATING High-Quality Work and Passion

Urgency is more than being able to move quickly through new challenges. Urgency is a tool you can access at any point in time. Whether it’s a tight deadline or a new project, bringing energy and excitement as well as efficiency will make you and your team stand out from the rest. The difference between urgency and rushing is that you bring high-quality work and passion along with your speed. A simple perspective shift can turn the unexpected into another great success for your team. Your clients will be overjoyed to know that they can trust you to get the job done and that you bring a positive outlook to the situation.

POSSIBILITY: Leading with Inspiration

At the end of the day, your team is counting on you and the other leaders in your organization to lead them. In order to be an effective leader, inspiring hope and inspiration will support your team to feel enthusiastic and empowered to continue their great work. During the COVID-19 epidemic, your company likely underwent many waves of reinvention. Maybe you needed to open a new line of services or transition your business or team from in-person to virtual. Did you know exactly how it would all work out? Likely not, but you had a vision and you knew it was possible. Especially in times of challenge, your capacity to inspire possibility on your team is an invaluable leadership distinction. As you cultivate an attitude of inspiration and open-mindedness to new solutions, ideas, and opportunities on your team, your company will generate new lines of business and revenue streams for you to be successful.

TENACITY: Cultivating a Winning Mindset

Inspiring leaders aren't just tenacious - they are tenacious for something. As a business owner, you will face challenges and obstacles along the way. You and your high-performing team will be taking risks and stepping into new territory. Being confident in your plan and your abilities to reach your objectives regardless of circumstances will define your teams’ success. The strength of your leadership will be demonstrated as you hold the vision and inspire committed action towards that vision within your team. Evaluate your progress, embrace what worked/didn’t work, and adjust your approach. Tenacity is often a main characteristic of success because leaders keep going - they don’t give up on their vision.

Cultivating leadership development begins with a strong foundation of powerful distinctions. Creating the success you want is attainable and reachable within your team.

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6 Leadership skill sets to ensure teamwork and success thrive