On average, individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence earn $29,000 more annually than those without emotional intelligence. Yes, that's right, you now have 29,000 reasons to practice these 4 key tools.

1. Self-Awareness

Awareness of your emotions and habits, lets you be proactive in challenging workplace scenarios. Whether it's a tight deadline or collaborating with others, your ability to regulate your emotions, and move through them make you the most reliable individual on the team.

2. Self-Management

It can seem almost instinctual to react negatively to a situation gone wrong. Level up your ability to stay flexible, and bring a positive outlook to your team. Managing your emotions and bringing a refreshing mindset to the situation gives you the ability to create solutions, instead of creating stress and making rash decisions.

3. Social Awareness

Being a team player is one of the biggest signs of emotional intelligence. Communicate with your teammates in a professional and empathetic way. Leverage active listening to hear what your teammates are saying, and to understand the situation. Being socially aware of others is a high EQ indicator and essential for any leadership position.

4. Relationship Management

Naturally, individuals look to leaders for information, clear expectations, and to who will lead them during challenging times. Your team will rely on you to take action and bring a refreshing mindset to the situation. By using your ability to self-regulate, you have a clear view of what tasks are at hand and how to delegate them effectively.

Use these key 4 tools to generate $29,000 more annually!

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