Ever Wonder Why It’s So Challenging To Achieve Some Goals?

It is estimated that the brain can process 11 million pieces of information a second, but humans are only consciously aware of about 40 pieces of info.

Your Reticular Activating System (RAS), a network of neurons located at the base of the brain that affects behavior, takes what you focus on and creates a filter for it.

It then sifts through the data and presents only the pieces that are important to you. All of this happens without you noticing, unconsciously.

Your brain seeks information that validates your beliefs

Your RAS enables you to see what you want to see (and also what you are programmed to see, by your subconscious beliefs) and in doing so, influences your experiences and your actions.

Effectively, your underlying beliefs are running your life.

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I knew that would happen!”?

That is because your RAS filters the world through the parameters you give it, and your beliefs shape those parameters.

Let’s say for example that you have a desire to be a people person, but you actually feel unworthy or inadequate in some way - your underlying belief is that you are not loveable or that you are boring to be around. What do you think will be the outcome?

When there is an unconscious limiting belief at play, quite often we will continue to generate more of the same kinds of unsatisfactory experiences - perhaps the same kind of boring or superficial relationships. Continuing to attract emotionally unavailable people, or attracting people who don’t get us.

Studies also suggest that 95% of our brain activity is unconscious! 95% of our habits, our patterns, emotions, personality, beliefs and values, and cognitive biases.

Meaning that 95% of the choices we make, 95% of the circumstances in our lives, 95% of the opportunities we believe we have available to us, are all on auto-pilot!

Emotional Intelligence is essential for a healthier and happier life

Everyone has their own version of limiting beliefs. Cultivating emotional intelligence helps us identify what we want to accomplish, overcome obstacles, and break through the effects of limiting beliefs on our lives.

We are never 100% clear of all subconscious conditioning but we can make significant progress and create a life that is beyond our current current circumstances by identifying and working through what’s holding us back through emotional intelligence.

Imagine navigating your world more effectively and being able to accomplish the goals you have with ease and clarity because your unconscious motivations are working in accord with your conscious desires! This is what the work of experiential emotional intelligence makes possible.

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emotional intelligence