Why Is It Important to Be Grateful?

As the holidays approach, giving thanks and practicing gratitude for family, loved ones, and what is working in our lives is a common tradition.

Did you know that practicing gratitude can actually improve your physical, emotional, and mental health?

Research shows that people who practiced gratitude exercised more and had fewer visits to physicians than those who focused on negativity.

Gratitude draws from positive psychology and emotional intelligence. Gratitude is an important and powerful way to appreciate what you have and the special people in your life.

When you are grateful for what you have, you cultivate a strong mental state that ripples into daily habits.

Studies also show that couples who took time to express gratitude for their partner not only felt more positive toward the other person but also felt comfortable addressing and mending concerns about their relationship.

In both of these key studies, the thousands of participants significantly increased their physical, emotional, and mental well-being by shifting their mindset.

Gratitude Isn’t Just About Being Thankful…

We find that the common theme is that gratitude is not just about being thankful, it’s also about sharing your gratitude with your loved ones. Regardless of your relationship with gratitude, you can start today.

It can be as simple and meaningful as having a 5-minute conversation with a family member about how much you appreciate them. Perhaps it’s a gesture and you make a beautiful, homemade gift for your friends. Gratitude can also be reflective.

Cultivate Strong Emotional Intelligence with Gratitude.

Taking a few minutes every morning to appreciate what you have and what you’ve created is a practical and key daily habit to form as you cultivate strong emotional intelligence.

Remember, gratitude is about appreciating what you have and the special people in your life. Simple and meaningful habits can accumulate to massive improvements in your overall well-being.

Don’t stress - practice gratitude this holiday season.

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