Mindset of the Month: Living a life of Intention

What is an Intention and why does it matter?

Passion, influence, and growth mindset - living our best life is something we all strive for. As we step into spring, it’s the perfect time to set powerful intentions for what you want. Setting an intention for how you want to feel and having clarity on where you're heading will help determine whether you're on track to living the life you are so worthy of having.

As you envision the life of your dreams it will massively support you to engage your senses and unlock the power of your “why”. By leveraging the power of intention in your overall goals and infusing your daily routine with the magic of what matters most to you, you are sure to succeed!

What suits your dream lifestyle? What intention is going to help you be the best you? It could be a goal that is genuinely important to you, or maybe it's a way of being that is inspiring or outside of your comfort-zone like playful, open-minded, focused, or clear-headed.

Setting an intention and a powerful why will invite in the experiences of fulfillment and success that matter most to you.

Steps to Creating An Unshakeable Intention

1. Set an alarm with your intention as the name

This will be the first thing you see in the morning. As soon as you open your eyes you're already focused on what you are creating for the day.

2. Write your intention down

Write it down and hang it on your wall, mirror, or places you see it every day - as you go about your day, you can take in a moment or two to focus on your intention and feel the emotions of what it will create in your life.

3. Journal a small paragraph about why you have this intention

Journal about it (you can do this on your Notes app or whatever you prefer on your phone) somewhere that you look at regularly - this will keep you inspired and connected to your purpose and your motivation behind your goal.

For example: My intention is to create joy wherever I go. Creating joy matters to me, because it reminds me to slow down and appreciate each person I interact with. Joy also makes me feel my very best, because I'm typically spending time with people I love and creating "me time" when I experience joy… That reminds me, I am going to call my friend and make plans for the weekend…

4. Share your intention with a close friend

Sharing with a loved one not only creates connection but also lets them know what you're focused on and what matters most to you. You could easily find yourself with a new accountability buddy or an eager friend wanting to join you in creating an intention too.

5. Visualize it before heading to bed

Take a moment to remind yourself of what you are creating and use your intention as an affirmation before heading to bed. Visualize it, feel it, experience gratitude for it being present in your life. Then drift off to sleep and allow your brain to work for you while you dream.

Happy intention setting and may your all your dreams bloom this Spring!

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Setting an intention and having clarity on where you're heading will help determine whether you're on track to living the life you are so worthy of having.   By leveraging the power of intention in your overall goals and infusing your daily routine …